Welcome to Hearing Loss Association of America North Bay of California Chapter (HLAA-NB). Founded in 2018, we serve Marin and Sonoma Counties, located north of San Francisco.


Our mission is to improve the world of communication for people with hearing loss through

  • information

  • education

  • support

  • advocacy

  • 1st Fridays in-person HOPE support group at Vivalon Healthy Aging Center in San Rafael followed by socializing and optional lunch in Vivalon cafe

  • 2nd Thursdays monthly meeting in Zoom on various topics

  • 4th Thursdays in Zoom: Hearing Other People Experiences (HOPE) Support Group: Share successes and challenges in a supportive environment

  • Contact us for free in-person/virtual presentations and HOPE support groups for your organization

  • Contact us for in-person/virtual information on ways to make your home, living community, work and/or social environments more hearing-friendly.


Opportunities every month to get involved: General Chapter Meeting and HOPE Support Group. You’ll find engaging speakers, lively discussions, support, camaraderie, tips and techniques for living with hearing loss, technical information about hearing assistive technology, in a hearing-friendly place.

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Subscribe to receive Chapter news by monthly emails and updates. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose.


As an HLAA member, you are part of an organization with a mission to provide information, education, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss.


Do you see yourself in this picture? Hearing loss is an invisible disability that affects people of all ages, genders, races, and ethnic identities. Hearing Loss Association of America North Bay of California Chapter (HLAA-NB) connects you with other people with hearing loss. Everyone is welcome at our events.